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5 Tips on How to Effectively Manage the Product Backlog


What is a Product Backlog?

The Product Backlog is a ordered and emergent list of “everything” needed to develop or enhance a product, service, or something more abstract.

It serves as the “to-do list” for a product, capturing all necessary work items to bring a product to life. The person accountable for managing and maintaining the Product Backlog is the Product Owner.

Further Unpacking of the Product Backlog

When we describe the Product Backlog as a “living artifact,” we mean it is dynamic and constantly evolving.

As the Scrum Team works through Sprints and learns more about the product, the Product Backlog adapts to meet the needs of the end users.

This ongoing adaptation is a critical activity, often taking place during Scrum events like Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, and Product Backlog Refinement (ongoing activity not Scrum Event), where feedback from stakeholders is incorporated to ensure the Product Backlog aligns with business goals.


Imagine you’re developing a game. The Product Backlog would include everything you want the game to have—levels, characters, weapons, sounds, etc. Since it’s impossible to do everything at once, the most important tasks are tackled first, with others following as priorities are adjusted and new ideas emerge.

Illustration explaining the product backlog in Agile methodology, featuring concepts like one source of truth, living artifact, managed by product owner, and never complete.

Tip #1: Order Based on Value, Risk, and Dependency

A) Value

Value refers to the benefit a Product Backlog item (PBI) brings to the end user.

High-value PBIs should directly impact key business objectives, such as increasing revenue or improving customer satisfaction.

B) Risk

Risk relates to the unpredictability associated with PBIs.

This could be technical uncertainty (will this work as intended?) or business uncertainty (will end users actually use this feature?).

High-risk PBIs should be addressed as soon as possible to minimize or eliminate risk.

C) Dependency

Dependencies refer to the relationships between different PBIs or even dependencies between internal or external Scrum Teams.

The greater the dependency, the slower the value delivery, which can hinder agility. The goal is to eliminate dependencies as early as possible.

A key factor in ordering the Product Backlog is value, but risk and dependencies should not be overlooked. You can use the following matrix to help prioritize:

Balancing Value, Risk, and Dependency:

  • High value, low risk: These items should be at the top.
  • High value, high risk: Address these early to reduce or eliminate the risk.
  • Low value, high dependency: Plan for these PBIs but don’t prioritize them until dependencies are resolved.

Tip #2: Keep the Product Backlog Refined and Updated

The Product Backlog should be continuously refined and updated. All the work the Scrum Team needs to do comes from the Product Backlog.

The Product Backlog can be adjusted at any time, day or night, but certain Scrum events make this a must:

Feedback from stakeholders or customers provides valuable input for Product Owners to refine and update the Product Backlog.

Tip #3: Break Big PBIs into Smaller PBIs

Large work items should be broken down into smaller tasks that can be completed within a Sprint.

Agile values only what is DONE.

The only way to learn and gain value from a work item is to complete it. Breaking down PBIs into smaller chunks allows for quicker completion and reduces the risk of failure.

Tip #4: Collaborate with Stakeholders

Regular engagement with stakeholders and obtaining their feedback throughout the Sprint—especially during Sprint Planning and Sprint Review—is crucial to the product’s success.

Stakeholders are often closest to the end users and can provide direct feedback on what can be improved in the product or service.

Regular involvement of stakeholders ensures that the Product Backlog reflects the needs of the end users.

Tip #5: Use the “DELETE” Button

Maintaining a healthy Product Backlog requires the courage to say “NO” to certain items.

You can’t please everyone, and trying to do so will only complicate and slow down progress. The DELETE button allows Product Owners to:

  • Focus on important priorities
  • Reduce complexity
  • Increase agility
  • Maintain team motivation

Regularly deleting outdated or unnecessary PBIs keeps the team focused on what truly matters.

EXTRA TIP: Set a Cap on Your Product Backlog

Limiting the number of PBIs ensures that the Product Backlog remains healthy and manageable.

Caps force the team to select and keep only what is truly important, avoiding empty promises or tasks that have been sitting in the backlog for years.

With fewer items, the team can respond more quickly to changes and new priorities.


By following these tips, you can ensure that your Product Backlog remains healthy and manageable, without spending endless hours maintaining it.

When I was a Product Owner, I dedicated just 20 minutes each day to reviewing my Product Backlog, ensuring the team knew the next most valuable PBI to include in the Sprint.

How old are the PBIs in your Product Backlog, and do you have the freedom to make DELETE button your best friend without needing approval from someone above?

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