The Scrum Team is the core unit in Scrum, made up of a Scrum Master, a Product Owner, and Developers.
The team is small and unified, with no sub-teams or hierarchy, and works together toward a single goal called the "Product Goal."
Each team member has the skills needed to deliver value during each…
Continuous improvement isn’t just a principle, it's the driving force behind building a high-performance Scrum Teams.
But how can Scrum Teams truly sustain a momentum of growth and adaptation without plateauing?
This blog unpacks five practical ways to foster and embed continuous improvement into the very fabric of a Scrum team's working culture.
Self-management is at the heart of every successful Scrum team.
One of the key principles outlined in the 2020 Scrum Guide is the ability for teams to operate autonomously, making decisions on how best to accomplish their goals and do their work, without being directed by someone outside of the Scrum Team.
Empiricism emphasizes…
In my previous post, I unpacked the core values of Scrum—Commitment, Focus, Openness, Respect, and Courage.
Understanding these Scrum Values is crucial, but knowledge alone isn’t enough.
The true power of Scrum lies in how effectively a Scrum Team can embody these Scrum Values in their day-to-day work.
This blog will guide you…